Family Strong

What is Family Strong?
Family Strong is a giving campaign hosted by Alliance for Life Missouri that directly benefits our affiliate Pregnancy Help Organizations* across the state.
* The term Pregnancy Help Organizations refers to Pregnancy Centers, Maternity Homes and Adoption Agencies
Who is Alliance for Life Missouri?
Alliance for Life Missouri is a non-profit organization based out of Lee’s Summit. We work directly with over 60 life organizations all across the state, helping them network together and providing advocacy, advancement and a unified voice to the Life Movement in Missouri. To learn more about our vision and mission, visit here.

The Good News
Pregnancy Help Organizations across the state have the unique opportunity to see even more women these days who have entered their doors seeking counsel on abortion!
Their ability to support these women, both throughout their pregnancy and then far beyond, is being heard and received.
Alliance for Life Missouri had already begun work on a Family Strong campaign before the pandemic began. In light of this health crisis, we want to offer the funds we raise through Family Strong to go to our affiliates to use where they see their greatest need. For many, this will be in bolstering their Parenting Education Programs. But some will need these funds to simply keep their doors open to serve women through pregnancy tests and counseling.
The Importance of Pregnancy Help Organizations & Their
Parenting Education Programs
Often, a reason for choosing abortion is because the parent doesn’t feel that they have the resources – financial or otherwise – to care for a baby.
Parenting classes, support and counseling give them the encouragement they need to choose life.
Did you know . . .
The parenting classes that Pregnancy Help Organizations offer typically include:
- Peer Counseling
- Parenting Classes (usually via video)
- Social Networking & Connection with Other Parents
- Material Aid (in the form of needed baby items such as diapers, clothes, high chairs and more)
Additionally, many Pregnancy Help Organizations have been able to continue offering their parenting classes during this pandemic by moving to video meetings.
Now more than ever, with the additional stresses these parents are facing, they need the assistance of these classes, counseling, connection and aid.
The Gross Injustice of Today’s Pandemic
Today’s world has been rocked by the emergence of the COVID-19 virus. Fear, worry and uncertainty have become a way of life for many.
Unfortunately, the abortion industry has taken great advantage of the fear that many are feeling, and are actually pushing abortion as the “smart answer” to an unplanned pregnancy during this uncertain time.
They are preying on women’s fear and uncertainty!
They have NOT stopped performing abortions during this time; being deemed an “essential business.”