Conference 2022 Breakout Sessions – Non Registrant
Conference 2022
Breakout Sessions
**You must be registered for the conference to get the link to reserve your spot in a breakout session.
MONDAY - Session 1 (8:30 am)
Leading with a Vision
Ashley Graves
A strong vision for a ministry can lead to continuity, direction, and excitement for a team. This session will teach how a vision is so crucial and give practical tools for creating one.
Learning Objectives:
- Know the difference between a mission and a vision.
- Define the crucial components of a strong vision.
- Explain the benefits of a vision.
- Learn how to effectively communicate the vision.
Board of Directors, Executive Directors
The Invitation
Elaine Russo
What if you could bring more people to Christ in your Pregnancy Clinic? The Invitation is a God-dependent evangelism training that will provide your Clinic with the tools you need to move beyond the fears and misconceptions of sharing the gospel. Not only does this training encourage and educate your staff and volunteers to become bold and efficient evangelists for Christ, but Clinics who implement The Invitation report on average a 370% increase in salvations. Plus, your Clinic may be eligible for an evangelism grant of up to $10,000 for attending this training.
Learning Objectives:
The Biblical priority of the gospel, overcoming obstacles of sharing the gospel, God-dependent evangelism & Share Without Fear
Board of Directors, Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers
Chemical Abortion in 2022
Christa Brown
Current estimates are that at least half of the 900,000 abortions in the US each year are via medication (likely more), and it is now widely available via telemed and websites. Yet chemical abortion has been found to be four times riskier than surgical abortion. This workshop will help you educate your clients about the abortion process she will experience if she chooses to use these drugs and how to offer her support, encouragement, and continued options.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the fallacy of the safe abortion
- Discuss how chemical abortion ends a pregnancy
- State the protocol to reverse the effects of chemical abortion
Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers
Keeping It Real
Amber McCutcheon
Let’s be real~ what you do every day is challenging, ever changing & at times can be overwhelming. Want to be encouraged to know that you are not alone? You will learn some practical ways to inspire you to keep serving others without always feeling like you are on empty.
Learning Objectives:
Setting healthy boundaries, focusing on the power of our words, how to have an attitude of gratitude.
Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Volunteers
Developing Leadership Skills in the Next Generation
Amy Davis
In this workshop we will discuss how to train the next generation in leadership skills and healthy choices.
Learning Objectives:
Equipping the next generation in leadership skills in leading the LIFE issue through healthy choices.
Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Volunteers
MONDAY - Session 2 (10:10 am)
Adoptive Families and Birth Parents Open Relationship Panel
Melyssa Frederick
Join Good Shepherd professionals as they lead a panel of birth and adoptive families discussing their openness in their adoption relationships, the benefits for the entire adoption triad: adoptee, birth family and adoptive family, and how to talk about openness with clients considering adoption as an option.
Learning Objectives:
Awareness on current adoption practices.
Board of Directors, Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers, Development/Marketing Staff
Abortion Pill Trauma Response
Terri Baxter
Renae Kitchin
With the rise in usage of the abortion pill ru486, every life-affirming and abortion healing ministry will need to be equipped on how to talk with, counsel and care for those who have experienced abortion in this way. Come learn from those of us on the front lines on how we need to shift or approach and meet people in the midst of their pain and trauma.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the reality of the aftermath of taking the abortion pill
- Adapt to a trauma-informed approach to create a safe environment for those who have experienced abortion pill trauma
- Assess and refer to the proper services for healing and restoration
Board of Directors, Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers, Development/Marketing Staff
Marketing that Changes a Culture
Angela Copenhaver
Examples of how to prepare printed marketing materials, written articles to initiate interest, unique customer takeaways.
Learning Objectives:
- How to implement a successful marketing strategy within their own community and how to grow Pro-Life market-share.
- Participants will be taught how to identify a target market, understand Human bias and its effects, design marketing that will move customers to action, and increase their customer base.
Board of Directors, Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers, Development/Marketing Staff
Reaching Minority Women
Elizabeth Parker
In 2021, Vitae began a research study to find how different minority groups respond understand and respond to the abortion decision. Through this study, Vitae has begun to zero in on reaching Black women. After consulting with Alveda King, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s niece, Vitae strategized on how to be reach Black women with messaging to help them choose life. Findings showed distinctive differences in how prolife messaging should be presented to different groups. Vitae will share their research findings to help your center develop better messaging.
Learning Objectives:
After this breakout, participants will be able to identify the different means of communication we should use for messaging to minority groups. They will also understand the reason separate messaging may be needed.
Board of Directors, Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Development/Marketing Staff
Title: TBD
Kathy Sparks
Learning Objectives:
MONDAY - Session 3 (2:45 pm)
Integrity in Raising Funds
Julie Beasley
Your ministry depends on the power of trust – that your organization is reliable, good, and honest. Trust with generous givers is built on truthful communication about giving opportunities and is enhanced by faithful administration of gifts. Participate in this interactive discussion to help your ministry demonstrate the highest standards in Stewardship.
Learning Objectives:
- Trends – an overview of current trends in ministry fundraising in response to COVID
- Traps – key traps to avoid in communicating with donors
- Tips – practical tips drawn from ECFA’s standards for responsible stewardship to enhance trust with givers
Executive Directors, Development/Marketing Staff
Abortion Pill Reversal
Christa Brown
This workshop will assist those in Pregnancy Help Centers to understand chemical abortion, abortion pill reversal, and how to assist the client seeking reversal. Pregnancy Help Clinics throughout the world have a unique opportunity to expand medical services and assist women in a last chance to choose life with the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol.
Learning Objectives:
- State the protocol to reverse the effects of chemical abortion.
- Tell about support needed for clients beyond the reversal.
- Illustrate how Pregnancy Help Clinics can assist women with reversal as APR Providers or as Consulting Centers.
Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers
Unraveling the Roots of Unexpected Pregnancy
Lisa Rowe
Women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy are making a monumental decision in a cloud of trauma, fear, isolation, and grief. Many have generational trauma, previous abortion, codependency, early childhood trauma including sexual abuse, or other risk factors themselves, as well as within their families and circles of influence. Combined with society’s “her body, her choice messaging,” these factors leave men and women vulnerable to abortion. In states such as Missouri that have implemented pro-life legislation, corporations are now providing PTO and money to employees to have abortions despite state regulations, and residents often seek at-home and out-of-state abortions. These factors can heighten clients’ anxiety, anger, isolation, and other issues that impact decision-making. In this workshop we will unpack the roots of trauma affecting individuals facing unexpected pregnancies. Will we discover key tools and explore how to identify hidden patterns, behaviors, and significant past events that may be impacting today’s thoughts, actions, and decisions. We will address how your center can break cycles of abortion behavior and pave the way for a different choice in future pregnancies as new opportunities to intercept and engage clients develop post-Roe. We will equip those engaged in pro-life work to meet hurting people where they are, assess what they need, and offer compassionate and effective care to impact their healing. Over 200,000 Missouri men and women have experienced abortion over the past decade. Consumer research shows that 90% of them do not know where to go for healing. If they face another unexpected pregnancy when they are still full of grief, anger, pain, and fear, they are more likely to choose abortion again. By healing Missourians impacted by abortion, we can go beyond laws – we can change the hearts and minds of those who are most likely to have or recommend abortion as the solution to unexpected pregnancy. We could potentially save the lives of 50,000 Missouri babies over the next decade and save hundreds of thousands of men and women from the trauma of abortion. The ripple effect of that healing would spread through our neighborhoods, campuses, pews, and beyond.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize and explain the influence of trauma in decisions and behaviors surrounding unexpected pregnancy.
- Define and explain generational trauma and its impact on unexpected pregnancy and abortion decisions.
- Define the magnitude of the issue through up-to-date consumer research and statistics.
- Recognize and explain how abortion healing can change the outcome of a future unexpected pregnancy.
Board of Directors
Mission Possible: Conquering the HIPAA Security Risk Assessment
Dr. Missy Clifton
The HIPAA Security Rule requires covered entities and business associates to conduct a security risk assessment to ensure compliance with administrative, physical, and technical safeguards. This session will teach you how to use a free tool to conduct a security risk assessment.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand why organizations fail the Security Risk Assessment
- Identify at least 3 of the required components of effective risk assessment methodology
- Recall where to download and how to install the Security Risk Assessment (SRA) Tool
- Describe the process of using the SRA Tool to conduct a security risk assessment
Board of Directors, Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers
Let the Good Things Grow (Leading a Team and Ministry of Legacy)
Laura Fogle
Leading for Legacy takes intentionality on all levels and doesn’t happen by accident, but as we seek to simply let the good things grow, we find a new level of team and ministry health which not only benefits our organizations but also our personal families and even our communities. Join this time to learn a few easy step by step methods to let the good things grow in your ministry!
Learning Objectives:
Learning easy ways to lead intentionally for the benefit of ministry, family, and community.
Executive Directors
TUESDAY - Session 1 (8:30 am)
Seeking Balance Between the Urgent and the Important
Allison Langford
Most of us are quite adept in being busy! Our list of tasks is often longer than the time we have each day, so prioritizing items and maximizing efficiency is important for our well-being. In this session, we will explore a time management process that seeks to balance a short-term and long-term view, while helping you achieve urgent and important (and not so important!) tasks.
Learning Objectives:
Attendees will understand and differentiate between the urgency and importance when prioritizing tasks. Attendees will also learn a simple organizational system for time-management that provides a balanced approach for achieving both short-term and long-term goals.
Board of Directors, Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers, Development/Marketing Staff
Navigating Big Tech: Diversifying Your Marketing
Nelly Roach
We are living in unprecedented times. Who would have thought our first amendment right to free speech would be challenged? Big Tech has become powerful with 63% of U.S. citizens over the age of 12 owning a Facebook account and Google owning 86.86% of search engine market share. Join us to discuss everything you need to know about the current state of internet ads and censorship and learn how to make a plan. A diverse marketing strategy helps you reach more clients, giving them a greater understanding of who you are and the services you offer. Through diversification, your center can confidently respond to the changes and challenges imposed by Big Tech, impacting lives as you reach more abortion-minded women.
Learning Objectives:
- How to create a marketing strategy with impact.
- Understand how to respond to Big Tech Challenges.
- Learn how to reach more abortion-minded women in your community.
Board of Directors, Executive Directors
Pro-Life for a Lifetime
Regina Smith
As a pro-life advocate do you ever wonder how life turns out for the babies and children born to the clients you serve? Many go on to live in a wonderful. loving and stable home. Others aren’t as fortunate. Sadly, there are those clients who receive the love and support from PRC’s, but it just isn’t enough to counterbalance the complexities of their difficult situation. This can lead to a life of trauma, abuse and neglect for the children caught in the middle. How can you help these children, not only have a chance at being born, but a chance at having a healthy, safe, and thriving home life?
Learning Objectives:
The objective of this class is to provide attendees with factual information on adoption and empower attendees to have a voice at advocating for life beyond birth. Attendees will learn how to present more than one parenting option for an unplanned pregnancy.
Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers
At-Home Abortions: Navigating the Challenges of Client Support
Lisa Rowe
At-home abortions have increased 79% in the past five years and are expected to account for 70% of abortions in 2022. This workshop focuses on the challenges and professional considerations this change presents for Client Services. We will showcase new consumer research, differentiate how clients may experience at-home versus surgical abortions, address how some people feel reproductive loss from abortion, and how providers can better understand and serve their needs. We will present resources, tools, and recommendations to equip providers to meet individuals where they are, assess what they need, and offer compassionate and effective care to restore well-being.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the most recent consumer research, chemical abortion statistics, and the differences clients may go through with at-home chemical abortion compared to surgical abortion experiences.
- Utilize a best-practice intake form to effectively assess clients for risk factors, behaviors and conditions, and reproductive losses including abortion experiences.
- Implement tools to engage in abortion grief conversations with clients with confidence and sensitivity.
Client Services Staff/Volunteers
“Be” a Confident Communicator
Wally Long
I believe that we are all created to communicate. However, many people develop an almost disabling fear of sharing our thought in front of a group of people. The purpose of this session is to give tips and encouragement to help people face and overcome this fear of public speaking. As prolife advocates, there are many opportunities to stand in front of people in churches, community groups and other organizations to share the prolife message. It is my goal to help people be prepared and confident to share the prolife message effectively.
Learning Objectives:
To help people overcome the fear of public speaking and give them tips to help them better communicate the pro-life message.
Board of Directors, Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers, Development/Marketing Staff
TUESDAY - Session 2 (10:10 am)
Ministry to a Tech Forward Culture
Annette Torno
Research and experience tell us that our clients live on their phones. They relate best to instant messaging and texting. What we know about Gen Z is that devices are a huge part of their life. If they find the information online, it must be true. In this session we will discuss who Gen Z is and how to relate in a way that positively impacts the ability to reach them in a way most meaningful to them.
Learning Objectives:
- To understand the lens through which the client sees life and become better equipped to love her like Jesus does.
- To discover the learning styles of the younger generations and discuss ways that technology can enhance your relationships with your clients.
Board of Directors, Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers, Development/Marketing Staff
How Does the Pro-Life Movement Win the Culture War?
Alissa Gross
We will be addressing issues of the day at hand and how we respond in the culture war at hand.
Learning Objectives:
Learning how to engage in controversy while winning the hearts of our clients.
Board of Directors, Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers, Development/Marketing Staff
Transform Your Fundraising Vision: Why Nonprofits Should Pursue Charitable Bequests
Nicholas D. Grimwood, Esq.
Uncertainty and instability will always be a threat to organizations that rely on donor support. The active pursuit of charitable bequests is a proven way to build long-term financial sustainability and reduce the likelihood that unforeseen events will disrupt your organization’s mission. This presentation will focus on the impact that charitable bequests can have in the long run, and the steps you can take to include them in your fundraising vision.
Learning Objectives:
Most nonprofits avoid pursuing of end-of-life donations because (1) the underlying concepts are often intimidating (i.e., wills, trusts, taxes, etc.), and (2) finding a place to start is difficult. However, the objective of this course is to outline an easy-to-follow path that overcomes these obstacles and develops a long-term, sustainable fundraising vision.
Board of Directors, Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Volunteers, Development/Marketing Staff
Critical Incident Stress Management: Principles for Effective Crisis Intervention
Connie Coleman
Professionally, what you do at a PHO is called “critical incident stress management.” CISM specializes in crisis intervention; defined as helping those facing an obstacle that is, for a time, insurmountable by the use of customary methods of problem-solving, and so stressful that their thinking is disorganized and panic-induced solutions are attempted. This training will provide you the few, but essential lessons from CISM, that apply to your specialty, helping people in a pregnancy-related crisis.
Learning Objectives:
- The Essentials of crisis intervention. It may not be what we call it publicly anymore, but it is still what we do.
- T3 Training to take back and implement into your culture and raise your volunteer retention rates as well.
Executive Directors, Client Services Staff/Volunteers, Medical Personnel, Volunteers
Trauma Informed Care
Belinda James
Description to come