Conference 2021 Breakout Sessions
Conference 2021
Breakout Sessions
MONDAY - Session 1 (8:30 am)
Development 101: Navigating and Planning a Development Program within a Pregnancy Center
Laura Brandt, Pregnancy Help Center
In this breakout, participants can expect a run-down of practical and helpful basics for successful development opportunities at a Pregnancy Center. Led by Laura Brandt, the Development Director for Pregnancy Help Center in St. Louis, we will cover several topics including the creation of a development calendar, social media tips, fundraiser ideas, free resources, and more! Designed to give you real life tools and a plan to successfully navigate development needs within your ministry.
"I'm Keeping My Baby, Now What?": Using Early Pregnancy Consultation to Bridge the Prenatal Care Gap
Katie Pope, BSN & Regina Singleton, LMSW Advice & Aid Pregnancy Center
The time between a client’s decision to carry her baby and her first OB appointment is critical. The circumstances that caused her to consider abortion are still there to greet her when she walks out of the pregnancy resource center. Though it is ideal for clients to see an OB provider right away, often the first available appointment isn’t for weeks. Offering an Early Pregnancy Consultation allows pregnancy resource centers to maintain the momentum that began at the sonogram and set clients on a path toward a healthy pregnancy while also addressing their social and economic needs. It is not intended to replace prenatal care. Rather, the purpose of the Early Pregnancy Consultation is to emphasize healthy habits, answer questions, and provide support to ensure clients are equipped with reliable information about their pregnancies and their growing babies. The second portion of the Early Pregnancy Consultation appointment is an opportunity for clients to meet with a Case Manager to help eliminate any barriers she had when she was considering an abortion at her initial visit. We understand though she has decided to carry, her circumstances that caused her to consider abortion are still there. Our desire is that after meeting with a Case Manager she has addressed various social, economic, mental health, legal issues in her life so that she can continue her pregnancy and make positive healthy choices for her and her baby. Case Management helps women facing an unexpected pregnancy with hope that she is not alone in this journey towards motherhood.
Abortion Pill Reversal in 2021
Christa Brown, Heartbeat International
Women often regret their abortions and sometimes that regret sets in right away. We have available to us is a cutting application of a time-tested treatment that enables women to rescue their children from the tragedy of abortion. This teaching will explain chemical abortion and abortion pill reversal in order to provide accurate information to women as they make pregnancy decisions and to effectively assist women who have started chemical abortion and are experiencing regret.
Protecting Your Pregnancy Center
Kevin Theriot, Alliance Defending Freedom
The Protecting Your Pregnancy Center breakout session will help you safeguard your organization from legal intrusions some centers around the country have already faced, along with other threats on the horizon. This session will provide simple and effective ways to prepare your center to stand against lawsuits that would threaten your ability to protect life.
Is It Ok to Take a Break?
Lori DeVIllez, Trotter House
With so many demands in the pregnancy center world, is it ok to take a break?
MONDAY - Session 2 (10:10 am)
Encouragement 4 Life
Annette Torno, Ephesians 4 Life Encouragement
Do you need a little bit of encouragement? Are you interested in building up the body of Christ? Learn how you can help equip each other in the work of ministry by working together and building each other up in love. We find JOY in unity. We will learn how to stand together with one purpose fighting together for the faith – the good news of the gospel.
Ephesians 4:11-16 (ESV) And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, 12to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, 13until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, 14so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. 15Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.
How to Make a Successful Referral
Regina Smith, Nightlight Christian Adoptions
Hillary Patrick, Choices Medical
When providing direct client services, we often find ourselves making referrals to other AFL affiliates, as well as other helping organizations within our community. It is a vital part of helping our clients with their basic needs. Do you ever get frustrated when clients do not follow through of the resources you share with them? This course will outline steps you can take to ensure your referrals are successful. Once you start implementing these methods, you will notice that your clients are following through and getting the help they need. In turn, you will feel that your efforts are paying off!
Go to the Root: Perspectives on Sex
Jackson Page, Lifeline Pregnancy Help Center
Often at the root of an unplanned pregnancy is a faulty framework for understanding sex. We must recognize this root to effectively address the needs of those we serve. Learn to identify the framework our culture uses for sex and skillfully address it through a biblically-based and evidence-based frame.
Leading Through Opposition
Jor-El Godsey, Heartbeat International
Attacks against pregnancy help outreach have increased in recent years. They are not new, but have taken new forms in recent years. This workshop will address key components necessary for leaders facing, or threatened by, opposition attacks. These will include practical, tactical and spiritual insights.
Capacity Building Blocks for Pregnancy Help Centers
Amanda Temoshek, SperaVita Institute
Capacity Building Blocks are at the core of the Nonprofit Capacity Building System, developed by Amanda Temoshek, president of Temoshek Strategic Consulting and Board Member and Trainer with SperaVita Institute. The Capacity Building System is a set of simple tools and easy-to-understand concepts to equip nonprofit organizations, including Pregnancy Help Centers, to make their vision a reality and perform at a greater capacity.
MONDAY - Session 3 (2:45 pm)
Raise More Funds without Events
Cindi Boston Bilotti, Heartbeat International
Some say that you can fund your mission with the donors/friends you already have on your list. But is it true? Yes! It makes sense to increase your funding through the donors who have already shown commitment to your organization. We will outline using storytelling to increase connection and diagram the processes you can incorporate to bring a stronger funding source to your ministry without adding more events.
Telling your Center's Stories with Pictures and Words: How to Communicate Your Impact Through Newsletter Writing and DIY Photography (on a budget)
Brandi Jarrett, Pregnancy Resource Center of Mountain Grove
In this session we’ll share some practical tips for writing newsletters that connect with donors on an emotional level (without exploiting your clients), and how to take baby pictures in-house that you can use year-around for promotional materials, social media and more. These tips are especially helpful for smaller organizations that may not have a marketing budget to outsource these tasks.
Battling Burnout and Defeating Depression, and Pandemic Fatigue
Gordon Douglas, Delaware County Pregnancy Center
Getting the Flu might not be the worst part of this pandemic. Depression and Suicide rates are soaring. What are the warning signs? What are some ways to avoid going down into the dark hole of depression? or getting out if you are already there. Pastor and Comedian Gordon Douglas shares some helpful advice from his own battles, what helped and what didn’t, some spiritual insights from his years in the ministry. (Note Gordon is NOT a licensed therapist or professional counselor…. just a funny pastor who cares !)
Navigating Changing Gender Roles in your PMC
Gwen Knowles, The Source Medical Clinic
Gender dysphoria is not just a secular problem. As we see more young people expressing themselves with gender fluidity, determining how to biblically and compassionately serve our patients can be tricky. Gain knowledge and strategies regarding the LGBQT population for your clinic that will empower you to serve with compassion but without compromise.
Post Abortive Assessment: Meeting Her Where She
Katie Pope, BSN & Kelly Carter, Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers
A decision was made. One life was lost. Another life was traumatized. She may not know what she would have done differently, but she’s hurting and she’s forever changed. She needs medical follow-up, but she can’t bring herself to go back to the abortion clinic. She needs emotional support, but she’s too ashamed and doesn’t want to tell anyone. Pregnancy center workers are in a unique position to help women who have experienced abortion. As some of the few people who knew about her pregnancy, the nurses and client advocates at pregnancy centers have an opportunity to meet the post-abortive woman where she is and show her the love and mercy of Christ at a time when she is most in need of both.
Leading with Excellence
Jon Whitehead, Law Offices of Jonathan R. Whitehead LLC
This session will be taking a look at what non-profit boards need to be leading their organizations with excellence.
TUESDAY - Session 1 (8:30 am)
Build Your Marketing Plan
Jacob Barr,
This will be a working workshop to assist each person with building a marketing plan for their organization.
The Church-Pregnancy Center Connection
Dr. Carol Fouse, Churches for Life
The church and the pregnancy center need one another. This workshop will describe ways to develop a culture of life in the church through the ministry of a Life Team. The breakout session will describe the Life Team, how to start one, and the benefit for the pregnancy center.
Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Your Clients during the Medical Visit
Valerie Long, RN, BSN, Parkland Pregnancy Resource Center
Do you struggle with the gospel portion of the medical visit? Learn how to prepare yourself to share the gospel effectively. Learn ways to transition from the medical portion into a spiritual conversation. We will also provide useful resources that will assist you in the gospel presentation. This breakout session is great for nurses, advocates, volunteers or anyone desiring more information on sharing the gospel.
Practical Strategies to Reach the Abortion Determined Woman
Jennifer Roush, The SperaVita Institute
Many pregnancy centers desire to reach the women at highest risk for abortion but need practical tools to reach and serve them effectively. Come here some practical and proven strategies to reach and empower these women to make a life choice.
Expand Your Reach - Integrating STI Services
Mischa Long, RN BSN, LifeChoices
Sexual health services create pro-active access-points to help prevent unintended pregnancies and intervene in the lives of individuals who are most abortion vulnerable.
TUESDAY - Session 2 (10:10 am)
Where You Can Speak To Your ABM Woman Everyday: Social Media
Gwen Knowles & Mae Sanders, The Source Medical Clinic
Guaranteed, there is one place you can find your ABM client every day, Social Media. Navigating multiple platforms, content creation, posting software…the work can seem daunting – but have hope! There are great opportunities to connect with ABM women each day. Social sites can drive women to your website and through your doors when done right. Here you will learn tips and strategies to not work on Social Media, rather let Social media work for you!
Building Vibrant Church Relationships
Sarah Bowen, Promise of Life Network
Gather tips and tools for building relationships with churches that are mutually beneficial. Find systems for keeping track of those church relationships so you can maximize impact! Building partnerships with local churches is crucial to advancing our ministries. This workshop will give you great ideas to get started or refine your processes for working with your local churches.
Connections-Connecting the Body of Christ and Life Affirming Ministry the Way God Wants Them to be Connected
Stuart Carver, FamilyGod’s Way
Are the Body of Christ and life affirming ministry connected the way God wants them to be connected? Look at the 4000 history of life affirming ministry and see. Connections equips life affirming ministries to do their part in making sure the Body of Christ is as involved as god wants them to be.
Not in My Back Yard (Sex Trafficking)
Karolyn Schrage RN, BSN, LifeChoices
Sex-trafficking and abortion are undeniably linked abuses against humanity. No community is exempt. The impact on the health of our clients is enormous. Pregnancy care providers are well-positioned to identify and assist trafficked individuals, as well as engage those who may be at-risk but not yet actively exploited. Learn the proactive role your ministry may have in identification and assessment to make a difference in the life of even one human trafficked victim.
3 Things You Can Be Doing to Reach Clients at Exactly the Right Time
Melanie Bowman, Stone Creek Consulting
Every business that wants to grow in any way recognizes the need for a solid marketing strategy. Your center has an even stronger incentive to increase your reach – your message literally saves lives! This session looks closely at three tried and proven tactics that have helped other centers get their life message in front of the right person at the right time.