March for Life Details

Date: Friday, January 24, 2020
Location: National Mall (12th Street), Washington, D.C.
Pre-Rally Concert 11:00 am
Rally: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
March: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm


Hotel & Travel Details

Alliance for Life Missouri has a block of 20 rooms being held at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center for those who wish to join us at the March.
Many hotels in the area are already filling up, so you may wish to plan on utilizing one of our reserved rooms.


The Alliance for Life Missouri rooms will be on a first come, first served basis.
Once they are filled, we will not be able to add more.
The cutoff date for reserving your room at this rate under Alliance for Life Missouri is Thursday, December 26, 2019
(or whenever they fill up, whichever comes first).


Reserving a room in the Alliance for Life Missouri block:
Online - By clicking here, you will be taken to a direct link at the hotel to the Alliance for Life Missouri room block to make your reservations.
- Call (202) 737-2200 and let them know you are reserving under the Alliance for Life Missouri room block.

Room fee for 1 night (January 23 - 24) is $199.

Transportation to and from Washington is the responsibility of each individual attendee.


Washington Transportation Details

The hotel is located directly on the Metro line (public transportation). You will likely want to take the Metro to the March for Life, as it will be the most efficient way to get there.

Additional transportation (Uber or cab) will be needed to and from the airport and is the responsibility of each individual attendee.


Help Alliance for Life Missouri Know Who to Expect

If you are planning to join us at the March for Life, please take a moment to let us know so we can be looking for you.
Click on the button below to fill out a brief form with some contact information so we can be sure to connect while in Washington!