A recent news article from the St. Louis Post Dispatch covering the resignation of the chief medical officer of a Planned Parenthood location just across the eastern Missouri border, brought a perspective that I had not considered when I think about the two opposing sides of abortion. The story focused on the disappointment of Amendment 3 from this chief medical officer’s perspective along with some others who shared her sentiments. Disappointment? But Amendment 3 passed here in MO, by a narrow margin which served to strip away all abortion restrictions. Isn’t that exactly what they wanted? In my mind, if anyone was disappointed it was us! Those of us who fought faithfully to the end but woke up the next morning to the news of its passing.
Pro-life Missourians fought hard to help people understand the broad language within that Amendment that would impact more than just abortion and bring its defeat, yet, in reading this report, those who fought so hard to pass this Amendment to make abortion legal in Missouri again, related their disappointment that the language didn’t go far enough to address all Missouri restrictions which is currently at the time of this writing, keeping abortion providers from being able to operate in Missouri.
The reporter stated that the resignation of this leader is the latest sign of deep divisions among abortion rights supporters. So often from my perspective, I have felt abortion rights supporters were united and working well together, the reason they are seemingly able to make strides ahead of pro-life efforts. However, this story painted a different picture, division. I believe it is in the continuation of this division we will see roadblocks to legalized abortion becoming a true reality. As we continue to do spiritual warfare on our knees, we keep electing pro-life legislators, as we educate our pastors and communities on the sanctity of human life, and as we unite in a greater way than ever before, we help build those roadblocks that create that division among abortion supporters. What looked to us as victory for the opposing team from their point of view contained shortcomings resulting in more division. Praise be to God!